
Welcome to DLP Town Square,

Ever since I first visited Disneyland Paris in 1999, I fell in love with the magic and stories behind the resort and wanted to go again and again. I then became a 'fan' a few years later plotting the every movement of the resort, I wanted a place where I could report Disneyland Paris news, but more importantly a place where I could research the past of Disneyland Paris and take a look at the real beauty of the resort. I've been very much inspired by other Disneyland Paris bloggers and fansites (such as DLRP Magic! and Dedicated to DLP). 

I really hope you find something of interest on the site, please don't hesitate to send me a tweet, if you have any questions or just want a Disney related discussion @dlptownsquare or email me info@dlptownsquare.com
Equally, I really would love to feature you as a guest writer, please e-mail me at info@dlptownsquare.com and we can discuss getting your content on the site!

And now for a few of my 'favourites'.
  • Attraction: Pirates of the Caribbean. The immersion in the world of the pirates is breathtaking, every time I walk into the queue line I have a huge grin on my face and let the music and atmosphere take me away.
  • Restaurant: The Lucky Nugget Saloon. I love Frontierland, it has been so well designed that you actually feel like you are visiting the town of Thunder Mesa. This restaurant just feels exactly what I'd imagine a wild west saloon to be like.
  • Shop: Harringtons. Yes, I have a favourite shop! This is a beautiful shop with a wonderful dome on the top, but it also sells all the Disney collectibles you could possibly want (and some that you couldn't possibly afford!). It's always worth a look and the glass maker is just impressive to watch.