Saturday 6 July 2013

Summer Time: Let's Glow!

Minnie and Donald in Disney Magic on Parade!
Welcome to Summer! Disneyland Paris' summer season starts today (Saturday 6th July) and runs all the way through until 1st September. Why not take the time to profit from the 11pm closing time giving you a potential 13 hours in the park? You could enjoy the beautiful weather that Marne-la-Vallée receives, or just take advantage of the Billet été. The big attraction this summer, however, is Disney's Light'Ears which will be marketed heavily across the result.

 As the celebration of the 20th Anniversary begins to come towards it's finale, the lights will be glowing
Light'Ears publicitybrighter than ever thanks to Disney Light'Ears. The ears have been on sale for a few weeks, but it is tonight in which they officially debut. These ears are widely available resort wide, especially on Main Street where it seems they are on sale in every store!
The ears premiered to the press back in March, take a look at this video from DLRP Magic to see just how they change the show.
Video: Dlrpmagic

Why not also profit from a 2 day ticket instead of a 1 day ticket? Disneyland Paris' Billet été is the answer! For the exact same price as a 1 day/2 Park ticket you can experience a 2 Day/2 Park ticket, this ticket only really works for local residents. Your first visit must be between the 8th June 2013 and the 20th September 2013, and your second must be before the 27th September 2013. You must leave a 7 day gap between the 2 visits. But a fantastic offer if you are in the area for an extended period of time. Below is a promotional poster which appears in various places in French. I think the using the 2 'Monsters' of Sully and Beast is a really good choice here.
Publicity for summer ticket
If you are going to Disneyland Paris this summer, have a fantastic time and enjoy the end of the 20th Anniversary. Have a wonderful summer holiday!
DLP Town Square 20th Anniversary exended coverage promo


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